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Manila Cityscape Webcam
If you’re waiting to see the sun rise over the skyline of Manila in the Philippines via this webcam, take care and make sure you’ve got a cup of good strong coffee close by. The super laid back chillout music playing in the background is likely to send you drifting off into a sleepy stupor and you’ll miss the main event of the morning. Should you nod off, you can always scroll back through the feed and find the moment the sun makes its appearance. The countdown to sunrise clock in the left hand corner of the screen proves to be a useful navigational tool for precisely that purpose.
Manila is a vast city with an urban reach that spreads across almost two-thousand square kilometres of the island of Luzon. Luzon is the largest of the seven-thousand plus individual land masses that form the Philippines and home to over sixty-four million of the people that inhabit it. Around two-million, give or take a few thousand, of those people reside in Manila which means living conditions are, for want of a better word, cramped.
When so many bodies live so close together in a city the size of Manila, then refuse and waste disposal can become a major social headache and so can pollution. While you may notice a haze of smog hovering over the city on this cam, thankfully you won’t be able to smell the pong emanating from the Pasig River where hundreds of tons of human waste are dumped on a daily basis. Sometimes viewing from a distance definitely has its advantages.