Strzegomską Street Webcam in Wroclaw

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Strzegomską Street Webcam in Wroclaw

Don’t worry if when you start viewing this live feed of Strzegomską Street in Wroclaw, Poland, you start performing German Shepherd-like head tilts. You haven’t suddenly developed a physical affliction. It’s a phenomenon caused solely by the very strange angle of the webcam. As soon as you click off, rest assured, the head tilts will stop and you’ll return to normal.

Wroclaw is quite probably one of the most attractive towns in Poland. Although none of its interesting architecture, some of which dates back to the 12th century, is very apparent on this cam. The cam view does have its good points though especially if you like mesmerising views of vehicle and pedestrian traffic with a bit of construction work thrown in for good measures. Be careful not to view for too long or you could end up with a crick in your neck.

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