University of Leeds Peregrine Falcon Nest

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University of Leeds Peregrine Falcon Nest

During most of the year, you might catch sight of the peregrine falcons dropping by this nesting box to bring back prey they’ve caught then devouring it outside on the sill or perching on the ledge to roost for the night. That all changes from around March time which is when the falcons lay their eggs.

Keep a steady vigil on this peregrine falcon webcam streamed by the University of Leeds from late March onwards and you’ll find three or four eggs will have appeared. It takes around another month of careful incubation by both parent birds to get the eggs to hatch. That means there’s then plenty to watch while the chicks mature until they finally fly the nest at around six weeks old after turning from ugly fluff balls into elegant raptors.

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6 thoughts on “University of Leeds Peregrine Falcon Nest

  1. If the birds lay their eggs in March and incubation is around 35 days, how come we’re almost into July and no sign of chicks? I look every day and am really concerned.

  2. So am I Jean. Although some eggs have hatched and the chicks were being fed today. Fascinating to see.

  3. Cold weather again in April this year, and the eggs haven’t hatched after being laid end of March 🙁 Hopefully next spring will bring better weather and hatchings!

  4. Absolutely amazing to see these majestic birds of prey in real time and hopefully they are here for many generations to come

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