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Monterrey Highway and Cityscape
If you like your cityscapes with plenty of traffic movement, you’ll be delighted with this live feed of Monterrey in Mexico. It’s got a surplus of buildings and vehicles plus a pleasant, and very viewable surprise, if you tune in at the right time – and even if you don’t.
Monterrey is a mega-sized city in north-east Mexico that’s not only got its scenic act together but its cultural one too. While the city’s economy may be industry based, it’s surrounded by incredible national park areas full of natural and unspoiled wonders.
To see this cityscape at its best though click in at sun down, switch the sound off and you’ll be able to enjoy the Monterrey sunset in peace – without the constant traffic noise. If you miss the sun going down behind the Sierra Madre mountains or want to see it again, just rewind the feed a few hours. Isn’t technology amazing?