McAdenville (Christmas Town) Webcam

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McAdenville (Christmas Town) Webcam

McAdenville in North Carolina has been known as Christmas Town since the mid-1950s. Click into this live feed at any time other than December and you may well be left wondering why. You’ll certainly struggle to get in the Christmas spirit viewing the small and unadorned pine tree this webcam is focused on.

Live in McAdenville and you need to be prepared to participate in the annual festivities. If you don’t, you’d be breaking the local bylaws. The lighting up of every single house and business in McAdenville, with no exceptions, is a tradition started by a mill owner named William Pharr. After the depression, his textile company employed the town’s locals and helped boost the economy. Pharr funded the first lighting of the town in an attempt to encourage community spirit and alleviate the darkness of the depression years. Seventy odd years later, McAdenville still shines bright in December and with a lot more lights than it has inhabitants. The rest of the year, as you can see on the cam, it’s what can only be called, for want of a better word, festively nondescript.

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