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Putnam County Webcams in Cookeville
Get up to any sort of mischief or misdemeanor in Putnam County, Tennessee, and rather than checking the County Courthouse in Cookeville out via a live feed, you’re more likely to find yourself standing in front of it waiting to go in. While that may afford you a chance to admire the elegant early 20th century architect, believe it or not, viewing it digitally is a lot less costly and time-consuming than if you got caught speeding and have a fine to pay. Oh shame on you.
Cookeville was founded in the mid-19th century and while it has a relatively short history compared to some rural towns in the state, it’s had several new courthouses since the first was built on Courthouse Square. Come what may, including civil wars, unexpected fires and even tornados of EF4 magnitude, this town or rather what is now a city with a population of over thirty-thousand, is going to fulfil its position of county seat.
The powers to be have plenty of experience rebuilding the courthouse so forget any half-made plans you may have had to render it asunder in your angst at getting caught doing what you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. Just go, make an appearance, apologise to the judge, make your excuses, pay your dues – while fingers crossed and swearing under your breath you’ll never do it again – then head to one of those nice bars or eateries in Courthouse Square. That’s guaranteed to help you forget all about it.