Peregrine Falcon Cams, Wisconsin

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Peregrine Falcon Cams, Wisconsin

Scenic views of Wisconsin and Lake Michigan, power generating plants and pigeon feathers blowing in the breeze. That just about sums up what there is to see most of the time on these three webcams, but not all of the time.

The cams streamed by WEC Energy Group are located high up on three power generating plants in Wisconsin – Oak Creek, Milwaukee and Port Washington – to keep an eye on the peregrine falcons that nest there. These nesting sites play an important role in the conservation of the endangered raptor as twenty-two percent of the state’s peregrine falcon chicks are born on power stations.

To see eggs being laid and to watch the chicks grow to maturity before flying off you’ll need to pop back to the feeds anytime from February to July. If you can’t wait that long click on the youtube link below, check out the video section and you’ll see how last year’s fluffy young were ringed before they left the nest.

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