Kipster Chicken Farm Webcams in Castenray

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Kipster Chicken Farm Webcams in Castenray

If you’re hoping to find some clucking good webcams, you’ve struck lucky. These chicken live feeds streamed by the Kipster Chicken Farm from their environmentally friendly installations near Castenray in the Netherlands really deliver – and more than eggs too.

At the Kipster Chicken Farm they don’t care which came first – the chicken or the egg. They do care about their chickens though. At this farm the kip, Dutch for chicken, are treated like sters, Dutch for star, and it’s noticeable. The happy and content cluckers you can see on these live feeds get fed all sorts of treats like leftover produce from nearby bakeries so also play their part in recycling. Whether that pecking good produce makes the eggs taste better or not could well be the next unanswerable chicken and egg conundrum. Does it matter? Not really. As long as the chickens are well-fed and happy the unanswerable questions can remain – unanswered.

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